Sunday, August 14, 2005

wat a wonderful way to die ...

i wanna die in your arms baby
in a last kiss

dat sucks my last breath away

guys die in diff ways
my pal Georgie, a bachelor
was a bewda like me

he wud go to the pub evry evening after work
he wud return on the shoulders of his drinking mates

who wud dump him on his couch to sleep away
his mom wud thank dem for bringing him home

one day he was brought home the usual way
he didnt wake up

they buried him the next day
on returning home alone after the usual drink
he slipped and fell and his head hit a stone

his pals found him lying on the street
and took him home
not knowing wat had happened

there was no wound
his mom didnt no either

he went to the pearly gates all sozzled
sometimes i hear him at nights

'hey saby come on out
lets have a drink'

i loved the guy, and
i tink he loved me too


Keshi said...

aww Im so sorry to hear that...that's awful...but guess he died a peaceful death...


Ashes said...

What an ugly way to die.

Peaceful death has to be thru a bullet in yer skull.Shot from a point blank range.A tiny gaping hole in the head from which the damned trapped soul can escape.

Anonymous said...

Georgie was a bachelor
he loved many girls
but his first love was the bottle

on my wedding day
he came to the reception sozzled

took hold of Maria my new wife in his arms and kissed her passionately

and went away
i didnt no then
that he had the hottz for Marie